- Maize Unified School District 266
- Online Bulletin Board
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Online Bulletin Board
Since January 2013, the Maize School District has offered an Online Bulletin Board. Information about student-related activities and events are eligible to be considered for inclusion on the bulletin board. The Online Bulletin Board will replace most paper flyer distribution.
Upcoming Events
Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run features lessons focused on what matters most to your girl. This season, she will build the confidence to do hard things. How? By developing powerful tools to help her believe in herself, then applying these tools to take on challenges alongside her team.
Join us for the fall season of Girls on the Run starting the week of Sept. 23!
Maize Recreation Center: 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays
Pray-Woodman Elementary School: 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays
Register and learn more at www.girlsontherunks.org or contact camille.stockemer@girlsontherun.org.
Season starts: Week of Sept. 23
End of Season 5K: Saturday, Nov. 23
Teams are limited to 20 girls, and sites fill up fast, register early!
Registration fee is based on household size and income and is determined during the online registration process. If your family qualifies for free lunch, your fee is $25; reduced lunch is $35.
Sept. 12 Screen Sanity event
Join us for an evening of Screen Sanity!
6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12 at at the Maize Performing Arts and Aquatics Center.
Maize Parents as Teachers is excited to bring you Screen Sanity, a highly-acclaimed program designed to help parents unpack today's hottest screentime topics, and get you the tips and tricks you need to raise happy, healthy kids in an increasingly digital world.
This workshop features expert-guided content, including a roadmap for introducing your kids to smartphones and social media. The content is designed for adults only, but will give you practical ways to talk to your kids about screen use.
Surveys show the No. 1 battleground in homes today is screentime.
Link to sign up: bit.ly/USD266ScreenSanity
Topics include: Screentime, Smartphones + Social Media, Filters + Online Safety, Video Games
About Screen Sanity: Screen Sanity (formerly START) is an international 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded by a trio of Kansas City moms. We offer tips, tools and trainings to help families raise happy, healthy kids in an increasingly digital world. Our family-education programs help parents consider the role
technology plays in their lives and connect with their kids in meaningful ways.Website: screensanity.org
Instagram: @screensanityBrought to you by Maize Parents as Teachers, a Blue Ribbon affiliate program
Sept. 5 and 6 Mini Mavs The Eras Tour clinic and cheer performance
The Maize South High School Maverick Cheerleaders present Mini Mavs The Eras Tour for girls and boys Pre-K to 6th grade who love to cheer!
Thursday, Sept. 5, 2024: Clinic 6 p.m. to 8 p.m, with a 5:30 p.m. PM check-in. Maize South High School auxiliary main gym.
Friday, Sept. 6, 2024: Cheer at the football game from 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., check-in at the Maize South High School football stadium
Each Mini Mav will receive a T-shirt and poms.
Cost is $35.
Thursday clinic details: Check-in will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Maize South High School athletic entrance. A snack and drink will be provided. Please have your child wear appropriate athletic-type clothing and shoes for the cheer clinic.
Friday performance details: Mini Mavs should arrive at the Maize South High School football stadium between 6:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. to check in. The Mini Mav cheerleaders will perform during a partial quarter of the Maize South High School football game on Sept. 6th.
Each participant will be admitted free wearing their Mini Mav T-shirt. Parents, family, and friends will have to pay the admission fee to get into the game. Mini Mavs must put on their T-shirt to be allowed on the track to cheer.
Questions? Please call Cari Palesano 316-992-7753 or email mshscheerfc@gmail.com.
Find two QR codes on the printable PDF. One liniks to registration online at bit.ly/4fT77pb. The other links to pay through Venmo at account.venmo.com/u/MSHSCheer.
If turning in the paper copy, please drop it off at Maize South High School, and please make checks payable to Maize South High School Cheer.
Registrations received after Aug. 28 will not be guaranteed a clinic T-shirt and poms.
To mail the registration form, send it to Maize South High School Cheer, 3701 N. Tyler Road, Wichita, KS 67205.
Mini Mavs Cheer Eras Tour Registration Form:
Please fill out a new form for each Mini Mav! A confirmation email and important information will be sent to your email address. Due by Aug. 28 to be guaranteed a T-shirt and poms.
Mini Mav’s Name:
Grade as of Fall 2024:
School Name:
Please list any allergies:
Parent/Guardian Name:
Phone number:
Email Address:
T-Shirt Size: Youth Small / Youth Medium / Youth Large / Adult Small / Adult Medium / Adult Large
(No refunds will be given. If the football game is canceled due to inclement weather, we will make every effort to have the Mini Mavs cheer at another game.)
Maize High School Extravaganza
5 p.m. until dark Aug. 30 at Maize High School.
Purchase your District Booster Pass. Old Chicago pizza oven available from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Maize Police and Sedgwick County Fire available 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Maize Booster Club concessions from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
6 p.m.: MHS parent/daughter tennis tourney
6:30 p.m.: MHS volleyball introductions and scrimmage in the gymnasium
7 p.m.: team intros at the football stadium as follows
MMS/MHS Girls Tennis, north end zone
MMS/MHS Cross Country, north end zone
MHS Girls Golf, north end zone
Maize Junior Football, south end zone
7th Grade Football, south end zone
8th Grade Football, south end zone
Freshman Football, south end zone
JV/Varsity Football, south end zone
7:45 p.m.: soccer introductions and scrimmage at the soccer field
8 p.m.: marching band performance
8:15 p.m.: Junior Flygirls and Flygirls, MMS and MHS cheer
8:30 p.m.: freshman football scrimmage
8:50 p.m.: varsity/JV football scrimmage
9:30 p.m.: fireworks
All times are tentative.
Fun for all. Eagle apparel, raffles, games and prizes, club booths dunk tank.
Come for the fun, stay for the fireworks.