• Considerations Regarding Illness

    Students who are ill should never be sent to school. Students with temperatures at or above 100 degrees will be sent home. They must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication before returning to class. The school health rooms are set up to give first aid to the sick and injured, do screenings, give necessary medication and care for students with chronic health problems. Ill students need to be picked up quickly in order to prevent the spread of disease to others.

    The school attempts to provide a safe and accident-free environment. However, if an accident occurs, first aid will be administered and the parents notified. First aid is defined as immediate temporary care given in the case of injury or sudden illness. Care beyond first aid is considered the parents’ responsibility. Parents are notified to pick up students when the school finds it necessary to send a student home. If the parent/guardian is unavailable, the emergency contact will be notified. Please keep family and emergency information current with the school.

    A contagious disease may require a physician’s order for your student to return to school.

    • The following communicable diseases MUST be reported to the Sedgwick County Health Department. Students will be excluded immediately until health department disease investigators provide additional directions regarding exclusions, readmission, contact exposure, and preventative measures:
      • measles, mumps, rubella, meningitis, shigella, salmonella, pertussis (whooping cough), Shigatoxin producing E. coli.
    • The following communicable diseases MUST be reported to the Sedgwick County Health Department. Disease investigators will provide directions regarding exclusion, exposure to contacts, and preventative measures:
      • chicken pox, hepatitis A, and tuberculosis.
    • The following diseases and environmental concerns are not reportable to the health department. Contact the nurse in your building to find out if an order is needed for your student to return to school:
      • Impetigo: May attend school once prescribed therapy is started.
      • Pinkeye (bacterial conjunctivitis): May attend school once prescribed therapy is started.
      • Ringworm of the skin and scalp: May attend school if receiving treatment.
      • Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): Unless directed by a physician, should not be excluded. The wound should be covered.
      • Streptococcal disease, including strep throat: May attend school 24 hours following initiation of antibiotic therapy. An infected person should remain in isolation for 10 days if untreated.
      • Pediculosis (head lice): May attend school once treatment with an insecticidal drug is initiated. Nits may persist after treatment, but successful treatment should kill crawling lice.
      • Scabies: May attend school once prescribed therapy is started.
      • Bed Bugs: Will be addressed by school. Administration as needed.* The principal of the school where these environmental concerns exist may discretely and appropriately communicate with the families of those students who may be affected.

    A child may be excluded for an additional period of time if the principal or other school personnel feel it is necessary for the child’s protection or for the protection of the other children. If a child is excluded because of a suspected communicable disease, certification by a licensed provider is required for re­admittance. In the event of an outbreak of any of these or other communicable diseases, the health officer may issue restrictive requirements as needed.