- Maize Unified School District 266
- School Board Meetings
Addressing the Board
Visitors are welcome to speak to the board during the Visitor’s Comments portion of the regular monthly meetings. Those interested in addressing the board must provide their name, address, and the corresponding meeting agenda item to Board Clerk. The board president will select the time to speak, either during Visitor’s Comments or before or after the Board Discussion and prior to board action of an agenda item. Visitors speaking are asked to limit comments to three to five minutes.
May members of the media attend the board meetings?
Posted by:Members of the media, along with any community members, may attend the Maize Board of Education’s public meetings. Any attendees may record, using video and/or audio devices, public meetings. Media, just like any other meeting guests, are not permitted access to the board’s executive sessions, which pertain to topics as set forth in Kansas law. (For a full description and additional information, please refer to the Kansas Open Meetings Act, K.S.A. 75-4317 through 75-4320a.)
Why am I unable to address the school board or ask questions during other portions of the meeting?
Posted by:While school board meetings are open to all members of the public, they are business meetings. According to the Kansas Association of School Boards’ “The Kansas Sunshine Laws, Vol. 1, The Kansas Open Meetings Handbook,” “The right of the public to view the workings of the board should not be confused with a right to speak at board meetings.” Visitors are not permitted to disrupt the workings of public business at the board meetings.