• Parent Drop-Off/ Pick-Up

    The following is the traffic pattern parents/guardians will use when picking up and/or dropping off their child(ren) before and/or after school. 

    QR Codes

    QR Codes are used to assist in the security and efficiency of parent pick-up after school. There is no other personal information attached to the QR code. Once scanned, it sends a response to the front office staff that a student has been picked up. 

    Placement of Code

    • Please place the QR code in any/all vehicles that are used for pick-up
    • Affix to lower front windshield (passenger side), for the easiest scanning. Please do not hold the QR code, this delays scanning. 
    • Copies may be made by parents. 
    • Failure to have the QR code placed in the car will result in delays in the pickup line.