• Maize School Budget Timeline

    School Budget Timeline

    Legislation was enacted this year that changed the publishing requirements for districts if they intended to exceed the revenue neutral rate (RNR). If the district is not exceeding the revenue neutral rate then the old timeline still applies.

    If not exceeding the revenue neutral rate:
    1. The School District budget should be prepared on or before August 1 of each year.
    2. There must be at least 10 days notice for the time and place of the budget hearing in the newspaper and includes the proposed budget amounts.
    3. The budget must be certified to the county clerk by August 25.
    If exceeding the revenue neutral rate:
    1. Notify County Clerk of intent levy above RNR, providing proposed tax rate and RNR hearing information (date, time, location)
    2. Hold RNR hearing prior to or in conjunction with budget hearing between August 20th – September 20th.
    3. Publication of hearing must be done 10 days prior to RNR hearing
    4. Publish in newspaper and website (if website is maintained)
    5. Publication of hearing must be done 10 days prior to budget hearing
    6. Governing body passes a resolution to exceed RNR and formally adopts the budget between August 20 – October 1.
    7. Governing body certifies the budget to the County Clerk Timeline between August 30 – October 1. 

2024-25 Budget Information

2022-23 Budget Information

Last Modified on August 14, 2024