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MES Watch D.O.G.S. Volunteer Sign-Up

Thank you for your interest in joining the Watch D.O.G.S. program at Maize Elementary School. This is open to all individuals who are interested in volunteering and have a connection to a Maize Elementary student or staff member.  The program will be an extension of our efforts to maintain and improve safety and security at MES.  As the Watch D.O.G. for the day, you will be given a daily agenda of activities that will include, but not limited to, doing internal and external sweeps of the building, volunteering in classrooms, monitoring lunch and recess, and tutoring. We would like to have a Watch D.O.G. each day, and in order to allow others ample opportunity to help, we ask that you sign up to serve no more than twice a month.

There are three steps to registering.

1. Read the enclosed information page.

2. Fill out the District Background checks. You can access this by going to the drop-down menu under the school headline on the top left of the page.

3. Both steps must be completed in order to volunteer. Visit our sign-up genius, and choose your times. QR code