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Thank you, Maize Board of Education members!

Jeff Jarman is recognized for his service on the Maize Board of Education.On Dec. 11, Maize USD 266 recognized three outgoing Maize Board of Education members who have devoted countless volunteer hours to our Maize Family. Please join us in thanking Heather Killpatrick-O’Connor, who has served for four years, and Jeff Jarman, who has served for eight years, including as board president.

We also want to say a very special thank you to Bruce Nicholson, who has served the students, employees, and community of Maize USD 266 for an incredible and impressive 39 years! Kansas State Department of Education Deputy Commissioner Dr. Ben Proctor attended the December school board meeting to recognize Bruce, believed to be among the longest-serving school board members in the entire state of Kansas! Bruce also was recognized during a recent breakfast for his 31.5 years of service to the Sedgwick County Area Educational Services Interlocal Cooperative No. 618 board, including as board president, and the Maize Special Education Cooperative.

Thank you also to the guests who attended, including school board members' family members, former school board members, and current and former district leaders! Maize High School students sang lovely pieces during the monthly board meeting and performed beautiful string music during the reception. Culinary arts students prepared delicious snacks, made possible thanks to the support of event sponsor Peoples Bank and Trust!

Click here for a photo gallery from the event.

Kansas State Department of Education Deputy Commissioner Dr. Ben Proctor and Bruce Nicholson










School board members, educators, and students at a recent Maize Board of Education meeting